Шумерська література (тексти)

Чорновий список текстів шумерської літератури, тобто літератури Месопотамії шумерською мовою. Це період 27-17 ст. до Р.Х.

http://etcsl.orinst.ox.ac.uk/edition2/etcslbycat.php (корпус оригінальних текстів і англ. перекладів)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ancient_legal_codes (список юридичних текстів)

1.       Літературні каталоги
-          Урський каталог з Нібуру 1 (Ur III catalogue from Nibru, N1)
-          Урський каталог у Єлі 1 (Ur III catalogue at Yale, Y1)
-          Давньовавилонський каталог з Нібуру 2 (Old Babylonian catalogue from Nibru, N2)
-          Давньовавилонський каталог у Луврі (OB catalogue in the Louvre, L)
-          Давньовавилонський каталог з Уріму 1 (OB catalogue from Urim, U1)
-          Давньовавилонський каталог з Уріму 2 (OB catalogue from Urim, U2)
-          Давньовавилонський каталог з Уріму 3 (OB catalogue from Urim, U3)
-          Давньовавилонський каталог з Нібуру 3 (OB catalogue from Nibru, N3)
-          Давньовавилонський каталог вірогідно із Зімбіру (OB catalogue possibly from Zimbir, B1)
-          Давньовавилонський каталог з Нібуру 4 (OB catalogue from Nibru, N4)
-          Давньовавилонський каталог в Університеті Ендрюс (OB catalogue at Andrews University, B4)
-          Давньовавилонський каталог у Єлі 2 (OB catalogue at Yale, Y2)
-          Давньовавилонський каталог з Нібуру 6 (OB catalogue from Nibru, N6)
2.       Міфи і легенди
-          Про богів
                                          Енкі (Enki)
                                                 Енкі та Нінхурсаг (Enki and Ninhursaja)
                                                 Енкі та Нінмах (Enki and Ninmah)
                                                 Енкі та світовий порядок (Enki and the world order)
                                                 Подорож Енкі до Нібру (Енкі та Ереду; Енкі та Е-Енґура; Енкі будує Е-Енґура; Enki’s journey to Nibru; Enki and Eridu; Enki and the E-Engurra; Enki builds the E-Engurra)
                                          Енліль (Enlil)
                                                 Енліль та Нінліль (Enlil and Ninlil)
                                                 Енліль та Суд (Enlil and Sud)
                                          Інанна (Inana)
                                                 Інанна та Енкі (Inana and Enki)
                                                 Інанна та Ебіх (Inana and Ebih; авторство приписується Енхедуанні)
                                                 Інанна та Шукалетуда (Inana and Cu-kale-tuda; Inanna and Shukaletuda)
                                                 Інанна та Ґудам (Inana and Gudam)
                                                 Інанна та Ан (Inana and An)
                                          Інанна та Думізід (Inana and Dumuzid)
                                                 Dumuzid and Jectin-ana
                                                 Dumuzid and his sisters
                                                 Inana’s descent to the nether world
                                                 Dumuzid’s dream
                                                 Inana and Bilulu
                                          Нанна-Суен (Nanna-Suen)
                                                 Nanna-Suen’s journey to Nibru
                                          Нінурта (Ninurta)
                                                 Ninurta’s return to Nibru: a cir-gida to Ninurta
                                                 Ninurta’s exploits: a cir-sud (?) to Ninurta
                                                 Ninurta and the turtle
                                          Інші божества
                                                 The marriage of Martu
                                                 Ninjiczida’s journey to the nether world
                                                 Історія про потоп (The Flood story; The Eridu Genesis; бл. 1800 до Р.Х., за іншими даними  бл. 1600 до Р.Х.)
                                                 How grain came to Sumer
                                                 The cumunda grass
                                                 Pabilsaj’s journey to Nibru
-          Про героїв
                                          Ґільґамеш (Gilgameš, шумерські поеми, що передували аккадській версії епосу про Ґільґамеша; бл. 2250-2000 до Р.Х.)
                                                 Ґільґамеш і Хубаба А (Gilgamec and Huwawa, Version A)
                                                 Ґільґамеш і Хубаба Б (Gilgamec and Huwawa, Version B)
                                                 Ґільґамеш і небесний бик (Gilgamec and the bull of heaven)
                                                 Ґільґамеш і Аґа (Gilgamec and Aga)
                                                 Ґільґамеш, Енкіду та потойбічний світ (Gilgamec, Enkidu and the nether world)
                                                 Смерть Ґільґамеша (The death of Gilgamec)
                                                 Давньовавилонські версії (5 таблиць)
                                          Луґалбанда та Енмеркар (Lugalbanda and Enmerkar; бл. 2000 до Р.Х.)
                                                 Луґалбанда у гірській печері (Lugalbanda in the mountain cave; створено бл. 2000 ст. до Р.Х., збереглися тексти з 20-18 ст. до Р.Х.)
                                                 Луґалбанда та птах Анзуд (Lugalbanda and the Anzud bird; створено бл. 2000 ст. до Р.Х., збереглися тексти з 20-18 ст. до Р.Х.)
                                                 Енмеркар і правитель Аратти (Enmerkar and the lord of Aratta, бл. 2000 до Р.Х.)
                                                 Енмеркар і Ен-суґір-ана (Enmerkar and En-suhgir-ana, бл. 2000 ст до Р.Х.)
3.       Історичні оповіді
-          Списки правителів і подібне
                                          Шумерський царський список (Ніппурський царський список; The Sumerian king list)
                                          The rulers of Lagac
                                          The history of the Tummal
                                          Sargon and Ur-Zababa
                                          The cursing of Agade
                                          The victory of Utu-hejal
                                          The building of Ninjirsu's temple (Gudea, cylinders A and B)
-          Міські плачі
                                          Плач за Уром (The lament for Urim; The Lament for Ur; бл. 2000 до Р.Х.)
                                          Плач за Шумером та Уром (The lament for Sumer and Urim)
                                          Плач за Нібру (The lament for Nibru; The Lament for Nippur)
                                          Плач за Унуґом (The lament for Unug; The Lament for Uruk)
                                          Плач за Еріду (The lament for Eridug; The Lament for Eridu)
4.       Придворна поезія
-          Лагаш
                                          An adab to Bau for Luma (Luma A)
                                          A tigi to Bau for Gudea (Gudea A)
-          Третя династія Ур
                                          The death of Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma A)
                                          A tigi to Enlil for Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma B)
                                          A praise poem of Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma C)
                                          Ur-Namma the canal-digger (Ur-Namma D)
                                          A cir-namcub (?) to Nanna for Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma E)
                                          A cir-namcub to Nanna for Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma F)
                                          A balbale to Enlil for Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma G)
                                          A praise poem of Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma H)
                                          A praise poem of Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma I)
                                          A praise poem of Culgi (Culgi A)
                                          A praise poem of Culgi (Culgi B)
                                          A praise poem of Culgi (Culgi C)
                                          A praise poem of Culgi (Culgi D)
                                          A praise poem of Culgi (Culgi E)
                                          An adab to Enlil for Culgi (Culgi G)
                                          A tigi (?) for Culgi (Culgi L)
                                          A lullaby for a son of Culgi (Culgi N)
                                          A praise poem of Culgi (Culgi O)
                                          A praise poem of Culgi (Culgi P)
                                          An adab (?) to Utu for Culgi (Culgi Q)
                                          Culgi and Ninlil's barge: a tigi (?) to Ninlil (Culgi R)
                                          A tigi to Ninurta for Culgi (Culgi T)
                                          An adab (?) to Nergal for Culgi (?) (Culgi U)
                                          A dedication of a statue (Culgi V)
                                          A praise poem of Culgi (Culgi W)
                                          A praise poem of Culgi (Culgi X)
                                          A praise poem of Culgi (Culgi Y)
                                          A love song of Culgi (Culgi Z)
                                          A song of Culgi
                                          A praise poem of Culgi
                                          Amar-Suena and Enki's temple (Amar-Suena A)
                                          A balbale to Bau for Cu-Suen (Cu-Suen A)
                                          A balbale to Inana for Cu-Suen (Cu-Suen B)
                                          A balbale to Inana for Cu-Suen (Cu-Suen C)
                                          A tigi (?) to Ninurta for Cu-Suen (Cu-Suen D)
                                          An adab to An for Cu-Suen (Cu-Suen E)
                                          An adab (?) to Suen for Cu-Suen (Cu-Suen F)
                                          A praise poem of Cu-Suen (Cu-Suen I)
                                          A hymn for Cu-Suen
                                          A tigi to Suen for Ibbi-Suen (Ibbi-Suen A)
                                          A cir-namgala to Meclamta-ea and Lugal-era for Ibbi-Suen (Ibbi-Suen B)
                                          An adab to Suen for Ibbi-Suen (Ibbi-Suen C)
                                          An ululumama to Suen for Ibbi-Suen (Ibbi-Suen D)
                                          A hymn to Suen for Ibbi-Suen (Ibbi-Suen E)
-          Династія Ісін
                                          Icbi-Erra and Kindattu (Icbi-Erra B)
                                          A tigi to Nanaya for Icbi-Erra (Icbi-Erra C)
                                          A hymn to Ninisina for Icbi-Erra (Icbi-Erra D)
                                          An adab to Nergal for Cu-ilicu (Cu-ilicu A)
                                          An adab for Cu-ilicu (Cu-ilicu C)
                                          A cir-namursaja to Ninsiana for Iddin-Dagan (Iddin-Dagan A)
                                          A praise poem of Iddin-Dagan (Iddin-Dagan B)
                                          An adab to Ningublaga for Iddin-Dagan (Iddin-Dagan C)
                                          A cir-namerima (?) for Iddin-Dagan (Iddin-Dagan D)
                                          A praise poem of Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan A + V)
                                          An adab to Bau for Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan B)
                                          A hymn to Nibru and Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan C)
                                          An adab (?) to Enki for Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan D)
                                          A balbale to Enki for Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan E)
                                          An adab to Enlil for Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan H)
                                          Icme-Dagan and Enlil's chariot: a tigi to Enlil (Icme-Dagan I)
                                          A love song of Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan J)
                                          A hymn to Inana for Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan K)
                                          An adab to Nanna for Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan M)
                                          A tigi (?) to Ninurta for Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan O)
                                          An adab (?) to Ninurta for Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan P)
                                          An adab (?) to Nuska for Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan Q)
                                          A dedication of a statue (Icme-Dagan S)
                                          An adab to Dagan (?) for Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan U)
                                          A hymn to Nibru and Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan W)
                                          A hymn to Enki (?) for Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan X)
                                          A praise poem of Icme-Dagan (Icme-Dagan AA)
                                          A hymn to Ninurta for Icme-Dagan
                                          A hymn to Inana for Icme-Dagan
                                          A hymn to Enki for Icme-Dagan
                                          A praise poem of Lipit-Ectar (Lipit-Ectar A)
                                          A praise poem of Lipit-Ectar (Lipit-Ectar B)
                                          An adab to An for Lipit-Ectar (Lipit-Ectar C)
                                          An adab to Ninurta for Lipit-Ectar (Lipit-Ectar D)
                                          A cir-namgala to Ninisina for Lipit-Ectar (Lipit-Ectar E)
                                          An ua-di to Inana for Lipit-Ectar (Lipit-Ectar H)
                                          A cir-namgala (?) to Inana for Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta A)
                                          A tigi to Enki for Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta B)
                                          An adab to Ninurta for Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta C)
                                          An adab to Inana for Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta D)
                                          An adab to An for Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta E)
                                          An adab (?) to Ickur for Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta F)
                                          An adab to Ninurta for Bur-Suen (Bur-Suen A)
                                          An adab to Enlil for Bur-Suen (Bur-Suen B)
                                          A praise poem of Enlil-bani (Enlil-bani A)
-          Династія Ларса
                                          An adab to Nanna for Gungunum (Gungunum A)
                                          A hymn to Nanna for Gungunum (Gungunum B)
                                          A praise poem of Sin-iddinam (Sin-iddinam A)
                                          Sin-iddinam and Ickur (Sin-iddinam E)
                                          A hymn to Numucda for Sin-iqicam (Sin-iqicam A)
                                          A prayer to Enlil for Rim-Sin (Rim-Sin A)
                                          A hymn to Haia for Rim-Sin (Rim-Sin B)
                                          A prayer to An for Rim-Sin (Rim-Sin C)
                                          A prayer to Nanna for Rim-Sin (Rim-Sin D)
                                          A prayer to Nanna for Rim-Sin (Rim-Sin E)
                                          A prayer to Nanna for Rim-Sin (Rim-Sin F)
                                          A prayer to Nanna for Rim-Sin (Rim-Sin G)
                                          An adab to Inana for Rim-Sin (Rim-Sin H)
                                          An excerpt from a prayer for Rim-Sin
-          Урук
                                          A praise poem of Anam (Anam A)
-          Перша вавилонська династія
                                          A praise poem of Hammu-rabi (Hammu-rabi A)
                                          A prayer to Enki for Hammu-rabi (Hammu-rabi B)
                                          A praise poem of Hammu-rabi (Hammu-rabi C)
                                          A prayer to Asarluhi for Hammu-rabi (Hammu-rabi D)
                                          A prayer for Hammu-rabi (Hammu-rabi E)
                                          A prayer to Inana for Hammu-rabi (Hammu-rabi F)
                                          Samsu-iluna and Inana (Samsu-iluna A)
                                          A prayer for Samsu-iluna (Samsu-iluna B)
                                          A prayer for Samsu-iluna (Samsu-iluna C)
                                          A prayer for Samsu-iluna (Samsu-iluna D)
                                          A prayer for Samsu-iluna (Samsu-iluna E)
                                          A hymn to Enlil for Samsu-iluna (Samsu-iluna F)
                                          A prayer for Samsu-iluna (Samsu-iluna G)
                                          A hymn to Enlil for Samsu-iluna (Samsu-iluna H)
                                          A hymn to Marduk for Abi-Ecuh (Abi-Ecuh A)
                                          A praise poem of Abi-Ecuh (Abi-Ecuh B)
                                          A hymn to Marduk for a king
-          Інші
                                          Гімн до Мардука (A hymn to Marduk for a king)
5.       Літературні листи
-          Придворне листування
                                          Letter from Aradju to Culgi about Apillaca
                                          Letter from Culgi to Aradju about Apillaca
                                          Letter from Aradju to Culgi about irrigation work
                                          Letter from Aradju to Culgi about the country
                                          Letter from Aradju to Culgi about Aba-indasa's missing troops
                                          Letter from Aradju to Culgi about the fortress Igi-hursaja
                                          Letter from Culgi to Aradju about Aba-indasa's letter
                                          Letter from Puzur-Culgi to Culgi about the advance of the enemy
                                          Letter from Culgi to Puzur-Culgi about the fortress Igi-hursaja
                                          Letter from Culgi to Puzur-Culgi about waterways
                                          Letter from Aradju (?) to Culgi about bandits and Apillaca
                                          Letter from Ur-DUN to Culgi about Apillaca
                                          Letter from Culgi (?) to Aradju about troops
                                          Letter from Culgi to Icbi-Erra about the purchase of grain
                                          Letter from Carrum-bani to Cu-Suen about keeping the Martu at bay
                                          Letter from Cu-Suen to Carrum-bani about digging a trench
                                          Letter from Icbi-Erra to Ibbi-Suen about the purchase of grain
                                          Letter from Ibbi-Suen to Icbi-Erra about his bad conduct
                                          Letter from Puzur-Culgi to Ibbi-Suen about Icbi-Erra's claim on Isin
                                          Letter from Ibbi-Suen to Puzur-Culgi hoping for Icbi-Erra's downfall
                                          Letter from Aba-indasa to Culgi about his neglect
                                          Letter from Sin-illat to Iddin-Dagan about confronting the Martu
                                          Letter from Iddin-Dagan to Sin-illat about the troops
                                          Letter from Nanna-ki-aj to Lipit-Ectar about Gungunum's troops
                                          Letter from Lipit-Ectar to Nanna-ki-aj about driving away the enemy
                                          Letter from Sin-iddinam to the god Utu
-          Листи-молитви та інші
                                          Letter from Ur-saga to a king fearing the loss of his father's household
                                          Letter from Lugal-nesaje to a king radiant as the moon
                                          Letter from Lugal-nesaje to a king radiant as the sun
                                          Letter from Ur-Enlila to a governor and temple administrator
                                          Letter from a governor and temple administrator to a king
                                          Letter from Aba-tah-lugalja to his brothers
                                          Letter from Ugubi to his mother
                                          Letter from Camac-tab to Ilak-ni'id
                                          Letter from Lugal-nesaje to Enlil-massu
                                          Letter from Inanaka to the goddess Nintinuga
                                          Letter from Inim-Inana to Enlil-massu
                                          Letter from Inim-Inana to Lugal-ibila
                                          Letter from Gudea to his personal deity
                                          Letter from the scribe Nanna-mancum to the goddess Ninisina
                                          Letter from X to the god Nanna
                                          Letter from Inim-Enlila to a king
                                          Letter from Kug-Nanna to the god Nincubur
6.       Гімни та культові пісні
-          Гімни до божеств
                                          A hymn to Asarluhi (Asarluhi A)
                                          A hymn to Bau's beneficent protective goddess (Bau A)
                                          A cir-cag-hula to Damgalnuna (Damgalnuna A)
                                          Enlil in the E-kur (Enlil A)
                                          A hymn to Hendursaja (Hendursaja A)
                                          A balbale to Inana (Inana A)
                                          The exaltation of Inana (Inana B)
                                          A hymn to Inana (Inana C)
                                          A hymn to Inana as Ninegala (Inana D)
                                          A tigi to Inana (Inana E)
                                          A balbale (?) to Inana (Inana F)
                                          A cir-namcub to Inana (Inana G)
                                          A balbale to Inana as Nanaya (Inana H)
                                          A cir-namcub to Inana (Inana I)
                                          A hymn to Inana
                                          A balbale to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana A)
                                          A balbale to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana B)
                                          A balbale to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana C)
                                          A balbale to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana D)
                                          The song of the lettuce: a balbale to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana E)
                                          A balbale to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana F)
                                          A balbale to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana G)
                                          A tigi to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana H)
                                          A kunjar to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana I)
                                          A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana J)
                                          A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana L)
                                          A cir-namcub to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana M)
                                          A balbale to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana O)
                                          A balbale (?) to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana P)
                                          A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana R)
                                          A kunjar to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana T)
                                          A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana V)
                                          A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana W)
                                          A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana Y)
                                          A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana Z)
                                          A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana B1)
                                          A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana C1)
                                          A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana D1)
                                          A balbale to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana E1)
                                          A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana F1)
                                          Dumuzid and Enkimdu
                                          A balbale to Inana
-          Гімни до храмів
                                          Енхедуанна. Храмові гімни (The temple hymns; Enheduanna's Hymns; бл. 2270 до Р.Х.; 42 гімни)
                                          Гімн храму Кеш (The Kec temple hymn; Kesh Temple Hymn; Liturgy to Nintud; 27 ст. до Р.Х. один з двох найдавніших літературних текстів, що зберігся)
                                          Гімн до Е-Кур (A hymn to the E-kur)
7.       Інші жанри
-          Поеми-дебати
                                          The debate between Hoe and Plough
                                          The debate between Grain and Sheep
                                          The debate between Winter and Summer
                                          Суперечка птаха й риби (The debate between Bird and Fish; бл. 2100 до Р.Х.)
                                          The debate between Copper and Silver
                                          The debate between Date Palm and Tamarisk
-          Діалоги, діатриби
                                          A diatribe against Engar-dug (Diatribe B)
                                          He is a good seed of a dog (Diatribe C)
-          Пісні, елегії
                                          The message of Lu-dijira to his mother
                                          An elegy on the death of Nannaya
                                          An elegy on the death of Nawirtum
                                          The song of the hoe
                                          The song of the ploughing oxen: an ululumama to Ninurta
                                          A drinking song
-          Дидактична література
                                          Поради юному писарю (The advice of a supervisor to a younger scribe, E-dub-ba-a C)
                                          Настанови Шураппака (The instructions of Curuppag; Instructions of Šuruppak; 27 ст. до Р.Х., один із найдавніших літературних текстів, що зберігся)
                                          Настанови фермера (The farmer's instructions)
                                          The three ox-drivers from Adab
-          Окремі тексти
                                          A man and his god
                                          The poem of early rulers
                                          Enlil and Nam-zid-tara
                                          A dog for Nintinuga
                                          An axe for Nergal
                                          The home of the fish
                                          The heron and the turtle
8.       Збірки прислів’їв (31 збірка)
9.       Право
-          Закони Урукаґіни (Закони Уруйнімґіни; Code of Urukagina; 2380-2360 до Р.Х.)
-          Закони Ур-Намму (Code of Ur-Nammu; бл. 2100-2050 до Р.Х.)

-          Закони царя Ліпіт-Іштара (Кодекс Ліпіт-Іштара; 1934-1924 до Р.Х.)

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